Scientific Committee
Diego Luis Gonzalez (gonzalez@bo.imm.cnr.it)
Julyan Cartwright (julyan.cartwright@csic.es)
Simone Giannerini (simone.giannerini@unibo.it)
Greta Goracci (greta.goracci@unibz.it)
Marco Nobile (marco.nobile@unive.it)
Organizing Committee
Greta Goracci, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Marco Nobile, Ca' Foscari University, Venice
Alessandra Volpato, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
COST Reimbursement
The allocated funds for this Conference allow for around 50 fully reimbursed participants; thus, depending on the number of applications, we shall apply some constraints for deciding on full support; in case, the most important aspect is the presentation of a paper related to the aims of the Action.
Please specify in the registration form whether you need a COST refund (i.e. you are not able to attend the conference without COST support). If so, please do not make any travel arrangements and wait for a decision on the acceptance of your contribution (April 10 at the latest). We will then send you an official e-cost invitation.
Please let us know if you can attend the conference and cover the expenses without COST support, in that case we suggest you start making travel arrangements as soon as possible.
Call for Papers
Submissions are now open for invited and contributed papers.
DEADLINE: March 31, 2023
Please use this template and upload it to the registration + submission form as a odt file.
The abstract should be on one page size A4 with the font size 12 pt. (Times New Roman), alignment left and right, all margins equal to 2.5 cm. The text must be submitted in electronic form in odt file in a final camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty. The format of the abstract is described below:
first line: start with the title of the contribution in bold letters and with the size of lettering 14 pt. high,
skip one line,
first name and surname of the author (in the case of co-authors, put a comma between the names),
skip one line,
affiliation with full address including postcode
skip one line,
e-mail address of corresponding author,
skip two lines,
key words (if possible the same as in the text),
text of the abstract.
The author is responsible for the content and quality of contributions. Editorial amendments will not be done. The texts will be converted into the final version respecting the possibilities of the camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty without numbering.