COST Action Dynalife Training School:
The Riddle of the Genetic Code
Dates: May 1-3, 2024
Venue: Katholische Akademie „Die Wolfsburg“, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Local organizers:
Elena Fimmel (e.fimmel@hs-mannheim.de)
Lutz Strüngmann (l.struengmann@hs-mannheim.de)
The training course on the mysteries of the genetic code will take place in Mülheim an der Ruhr from May 1 to 3, 2024 (arrival on April 30, departure on May 4). The venue is the conference center "Die Wolfsburg", where the trainers and trainees will also be accommodated. The topic - the enigma of the genetic code - is a central theme of the DYNALIFE COST project and is particularly important for the WG1 and WG2 groups. Several of the goals of the DYNALIFE project deal with the genetic code, e.g. developing and testing the various models and theories on genetic coding with state-of-the-art biological data and modern methods from statistics and data science in general. The idea of the training school is therefore to provide a platform for the DYNALIFE community to learn and study the facets of the genetic code. Six trainers will each give a half-day introduction to their area of expertise around the genetic code (topics range from theoretical properties of the genetic code to statistical methods for studying the genetic code and genetic data to applications in biology). The lecturers will prepare lectures and exercises or practical studies at a level suitable for young researchers. The school is primarily aimed at PhD students or young researchers, but is also open to established researchers in working groups WG1 and WG2 who wish to broaden their knowledge in the field to advance their research within DYNALIFE.
The conference house „Die Wolfsburg“ is perfectly suitable for such an event as it offers comfortable rooms and a restaurant and all participants will be together in the conference center for the entire time, so that there is plenty of time and space for discussions and conversations as well as social gatherings.
All participants will be accommodated together in the Wolfsburg with full board. The exact costs for participation and further information will be published here shortly. As usual, COST will reimburse the daily rate for Germany and travel expenses for participants.
Anyone who is interested in participating in this training school please should register and upload a short CV and a short letter of motivation why you intend to participate. Deadline March 15, 2024.
COST Reimbursement:
The allocated funds for this Training School allow for around 15 fully reimbursed participants; thus, depending on the number of applications. Please specify in the registration form whether you need a COST refund (i.e. you are not able to attend the conference without COST support). If you are relying on COST financial assistance, kindly refrain from making any travel arrangements until a decision on the acceptance is made (March 31, 2024), and you receive an official e-COST invitation.